Common Acupuncture Q and A with Dr. Elisabeth Bastos ND – Board Certified Acupuncturist






Q – Can I address more than one health issue at a time with acupuncture?

A- YES! Acupuncture is resetting and supporting full body systems such as immune and hormonal responses and organs so often more then one concern improves with treatment. For local nerve complaints or body pain concerns we often build in treatment for other concerns in the same session.  You will be clearly advised at your visit or complimentary meet and greet call what can and will be addressed at each acupuncture treatment.

A great common side effect of holistic Acupuncture is better sleep and more energy even when that was not the main focus.

Q- What Are Some Conditions  Treated at your office using Acupuncture?

A- Here are just some cases that have had positive benefit using functional, evidence based Acupuncture:

Insomnia / Sleep Rehab – Click this link 

Research proves Acupuncture is superior to other standard treatments for getting more rest at night. It will most often help in both falling asleep in less then 30 minutes and staying sound asleep, in being more able to feel ready for sleep and in sleeping long enough.  Dr. Bastos uses functional based approaches that are research based and ideally include scalp electrostimulation and auricular electrostimulation. These approaches are gentle even for small children and needling can be avoided if preferred. Expect 4-6 weeks of treatment to reach your full normal sleep goals although many reach the goal in 2 weeks using 2-3 acupuncture sessions weekly.

Immune System

Stress Response Rehab

Energy Rehab

Brain Health and Disease Support


Nerve and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation (Injury, Sciatica, Bell’s Palsy, Shingles etc)

Pain Management and Resolution

Poor Kidney function/Filtration

Chronic Inflammation


Miscarriage Risk

Pregnancy nausea, ICP, over term or early labour prevention

Breech Baby

Female Hormone Concerns (Natural Fertility, Menstraul cycles, Menopause, Libido)

Don’t see your concern on this list? Call our office to talk to the Doctor to find out if we can help.


Q- Are the Needles sterile and one time use only and what are they like ?

A – Yes, all needles are sterile and used only once with board advised clean needle techniques, before being disposed of in a sharps container.  Needles range in length and 0.18 mm is the typical width that is about the thickness of a hair.

Coated Japanese needles are available for a virtually pain free treatment and Japanese press tack that stick to the acupuncture point are an option for children or adults that need to move around pain free.

Electro Stimulation with a device or probes and moxabustion are also available for no needles stimulation that is safe even for elderly, small children and infants.


Q –Will I become dependant on acupuncture to keep giving me my wanted result?

A – Making you dependent on treatments to feel good is never the goal.  A root cause resolution/healing of your symptoms is.  Once you reach your health goals, most patients prefer once per month acupuncture to maintain their optimal well being.

Palpation based acupuncture and neuropuncture techniques that are used, allow for a quick physical exam to be performed that catches even early neuroinflammation (nerve troubles) or distress on body systems. This allows a more precise treatment at the time of symptom complaints but also for prevention.


The next Section Contains info on….

Pain Acupuncture

Fertility Acupuncture ( Our office currently supports natural fertility enhancement but not assisted fertility procedures )

Pregnancy Acupuncture

Acupuncture for Pain:

Click to View Acupuncture for Pain in the News Video

Dr. Elisabeth Bastos ND has extra training in Neuropuncture (neurology based treatment), Orthopedic and Pain Acupuncture including, but not limited to, Electro Acupuncture (with needling or needle less with probes or an electrostimulation device which is pain free and suitable for bony regions and children), moxabustion,

Microcurrent across a selected area of the body between 2 acupuncture points, is used for the stimulation of healing by increasing cell ATP (energy).

Millicurrent is also an option, and depending on what frequency is selected releases various hormones, increases blood flow and releases endogenous opiods ( morphine-like pain relief, stress reduction, feeling of wellbeing).  This current is also used on scalp needling to emit chemicals for brain, sleep, mental and emotional health.

The spinal nerves feed out to our organs and muscles and joints and therefore we can experience problems such as pain and poor function at the organ or muscle or joint when the spine needs support.  A quick physical exam can assess if a spinal area is in need of attention and Acupuncture at that location of the spine (especially using Electrostimulation) effects pain and function where that nerve feeds out to.

  • Controls or Eliminates Pain improving lifestyle, reducing stress, improving posture, reducing medication need.
  • Helps the Body Cope with Pain
  • Reduces Inflammation and Swelling improving tendon, muscle and joint function.
  • Controls Medication Side Effects
  • Stimulates your own pain relief ability by stimulating the brain and/or spine safely


Acupuncture and Fertility  – Information Section:

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture has been proven to improve the rates of pregnancy.

Acupuncture is proven to improve semen number and quality and for general male fertility issues.

Elisabeth supports woman using natural conception methods.

Q -What Does Acupuncture Do For Fertility?

A –

  • Decrease high testosterone/androgen levels
  • Decrease high prolactin levels
  • Improve the ovaries to achieve higher quality eggs. This is seen with a decrease in FSH value in between 2 weeks – 3 months
  • Treat autoimmune conditions that effect fertility such as lupus, non-lupus elevated ANA, high anti-thyroglobulin, anti-phospholipid syndrome etc.
  • Balances your hormones to produce a larger number of follicles. This gives a better chance for natural pregnancy.
  • Increases blood flow to your uterus & increases the thickness of your uterine lining
  • Helps you relax and de-stress
  • Prevents uterine contraction post embryo transfer and post conception to improve chance of implantation. This includes decreasing inflammation.
  • Reduces the side-effects of medications
  • Balances your immune system to prevent auto immune action (body attacking itself or sperm)
  • Improves sperm count, motility, morphology and reduce sperm DNA fragmentation
  • Increase your chance of conceiving
  • Decreases your chance of miscarriage
  • Pain reduction especially post fertility procedures
  • Enhances blood circulation to help nourish the sperm, uterus and eggs
  • Decreases any irritation or inflammation of the pelvis and reproductive organs
  • Helps blood vessels work better to limit any problems with blood flow
  • Reduces contraction and spasm of the muscles including of the uterus or bowels
  • Promotes healthy bowel function. Treats diarrhea, cramps, and gas, to reduce irritation and spasm of the uterus which is important to help implantation and prevent miscarriage. Also treats constipation which is important to minimize toxins in the body for better fertility and a healthier baby
  • Promotes healing
  • Balances the endocrine/hormonal gland functions (such as the Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Adrenals, Ovaries, Testes and Thyroid)
  • Balances neurotransmitters (such as dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline)
  • Balances the nervous system to help you relax (reduces the sympathetic state/fight or flight stress reaction)
  • Promotes the parasympathetic state of the nervous system to improve blood flow and support to the centre of the body, including the digestion and reproductive organs
**Note: see end of page for Research References Please **

Acupuncture help in pregnancy:

Breech Baby

Nausea, vomiting

Back and Hip Pain

Hyper tension

Mental Health and Sleep

Best energy support

ICP itch

Cervical Ripening for a more effective labour

Acupressure Training for Couples including photo handouts and Tools to use

Links for research :

Pain research Link: click here

Research Proving Acupuncture is Superior for Treatment in Insomnia:   Plus see the end of this linked article for more research titles regarding the topic.

Migraines – Vickers et al (2004):

The results of a very large trial (400 patients) in the UK as published in the BMJ Pain, score: 34% improvement in the acupuncture group versus 16% for standard medical treatment (significant difference).

After receiving acupuncture patients had 22 fewer days of headache per year, made 25% fewer visits to the GP, and used 15% less medication.


Research by JC Butler et al (2005) was conducted on 55 patients suffering from stress-related emotional disorders. All patients were treated with acupuncture for the condition and the total effective rate for the reduction of symptoms in all 55 patients was 95.4%

In Scotland research was conducted among hospice staff who were measured for stress using a psychological profile and then tested again following four acupuncture treatments.  A 44% reduction in stress was recorded (2002)

Back Pain:

Research by the University of Regensburg has shown that acupuncture is one of the most effective therapies for back pain. The research published by Archives of Internal Medicine, showed that acupuncture can provide significantly more relief from lower back pain than conventional therapies.

The Chinese needle treatment was 74% more likely to lead to a sustained reduction in pain or improved ability to function normally than physiotherapy, medication and advice on exercise.


The World Health Organisation (WHO) lists acupuncture as a recognized treatment for depression.

A double blind study was conducted among women suffering from depression. The results found that acupuncture was significantly better in treating depression than either sham acupuncture or no treatment at all (1998, Allen et al).

A 2004 study found that acupuncture was an effective treatment for depression during pregnancy. (University of Stanford).


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3. Stener-Victorin E, Waldenstrom U, Andersson SA, Wikland M. Reduction of blood flow impedance in the uterine arteries of infertile women with electro-acupuncture. Hum Reprod. Jun 1996;11(6):1314-1317.

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